Thursday, March 19, 2009

8. short & sweet: good news!

My radiation oncologist told me this morning that the tumor has shrunken by half! Already. After 4 zappings and 2 chemos. I still have to go the full 7 weeks, but he said that is a very good sign. Aside from my developing acne, which isn't so bad, and some tiredness and dull headedness (which may very well have nothing to do with the treatments), I haven't even experienced much in the way of side effects yet.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

The radiation tech gave me a web address for more info about the treatment. It's pretty interesting, for any of you geeks out there. It's kind of an advt for the equipment, but you get a good sense of how the thing works. Boy are we lucky (those of us who need hi-tech treatments) to be living now. The device can regulate the hits of radiation so precisely it preserves the more sensitive areas surrounding the cancer.

I worship at the altar of science. Amen.


  1. Great news Dave. Really happy to hear the encouraging words from your docs.

  2. Thanks Kev! We've got our fingers crossed improvements continue.
