Monday, March 30, 2009

11. Dawn breaks

It's the morning of chemo #5 and week #3 of radiation. I'm feeling it! My mouth is sore all over and there is a white lesion in the back of my throat that I'm going to be asking about today. Maybe it's just a normal side effect. But to me it seems like the radiation beam is a little off course and hitting me at that point. My mouth is so sore that even flossing is kinda difficult. I skipped it this morning, but will have a go this afternoon.

I'm continuing to eat but it's pretty much out of commitment since there's not much I can taste anymore. I got prescription ointment for my face and that's helping to bring the 'acne' under control. I haven't used the feeding tube yet but will probably give a try later this week.

I have managed to visit the gym twice. Even when I'm tired if I work out for a little while I feel very good afterward. At first I was self conscious about showing my 'tube' in the steam room, but I've got it under an ace bandage so it's pretty discreet. I even revealed it when I showered and no one seemed to care, if they even noticed.

I think this is my last week of work. It's getting harder to concentrate and I'm pretty tired by mid-day. Sleeping is harder, but I'm not sure why. One doctor said it was probably depression, but I don't feel depressed. It's more that I just don't feel that tired and it takes a while to get to sleep. Then I wake up every few hours and go through it all over again. Betsy is also having trouble sleeping. When I stop working I'll probably just stay up till I'm tired and get up if I'm not.

The downstairs bunker is almost complete. Just in time.

Friends and acquaintances keep popping up. I found a couple of friends via Facebook that I haven't seen since college and am looking forward to reconnecting with them. I also heard from a high school buddy, Jeremy, who is now a doctor in Boston. He has started a non-profit organization to promote art as an integral part of the healing process. He's visiting NYC on Tuesday I'm getting together with him to learn more and catch up.

So, life continues. More to come after today's marathon session. Hope everyone is enjoying the beginnings of Spring!


  1. I'm listening to Steppenwolf's Born to Be Wild and thinking of YOU! : )

  2. Hey I forgot how approriate those lyrics are!!

    Got my catscan running,
    Head down on the gurney.
    Looking for abnormalities,
    And whatever cancers come my way!!
    Yeah darlin' gonna make it happen.
    Take the world in a love embrace.
    Fire radiation at all the tumors at once
    And explode em into space!!!

    Like a true nature's child,
    I was born to be wild!!
    I can fly so high
    And never touch the sky!!

    Oh yeah.

  3. It's just been in the past few days that I've been listening to 'classic rock'. Me and Becca were jammin' out and we thought of you - not paying attention to the lyrics, just being crazy! : )

  4. Well, except for, 'gonna fly so high, never gonna die!'. : ) Made me feel like a teenager.

  5. you will always be a teenager!

  6. Sorry to hear about the pain Dave - hope you get an answer about the lesion and some relief.
