Monday, March 16, 2009

6. Post play

Alright! First double header is accomplished.

1. Radiation. Went over procedure. Strapped me to gurney. Installed 'mouth gag,' which is exactly what it is: a gag inducing chunk of clay, in mouth. Strapped face restraint over face and locked it down. Ran me through machine for about 15 minutes, and that was it.

2. Chemo. Longer wait. Saw doc. More wait. Name called, proceeded to infusion room. Hooked up. Slower drip than before, starting with benadryl. No reactions! Over in about an hour and a half. Was able to watch Jon Stewart righteously & satisfyingly grill cnbc's Jim Cramer, who never seemed to get what the problem was/is. Tired but functional.

3. Nap time. The dog and I will be sawing logs for an hour or so.

Could have been a whole lot worse. How about that?!


  1. Just found this post - ignore earlier post. Great news Dave - sounds much better than your previous adventures. Glad it was less of an ordeal than I was picturing - though I'm sure it was not fun. Thanks for updating - I just figured out how to find the latest post - doh!

  2. Yeah it wasn't exactly a bowl of roses, but really not bad.
