Sunday, May 31, 2009

31. keeping on keeping on

I've been lax lately in updating my blog because not that much has been happening. Every day I seem to progress infinitesimally. Over the last few days I have consumed by mouth: half a piece of french toast, a scrambled egg, some chicken soup, clam chowder, lentils, egg salad with tuna, eggplant parm, and multiple milk shakes. It takes a while to eat and I can't taste much. I was able to taste some celery in the chicken soup and chocolate in the shake. Most of my nutrition, unfortunately, is still being delivered by tube. My tongue still kind of burns. My throat has moved from being in constant pain to something more akin to aggravation. I sleep better, although for some reason lately I've been waking up every hour or two. I'm still taking oxy-codone pretty regularly, especially at night, but try to space it out during day. I've gone for a couple walks in the woods and took the train into the city on Wednesday afternoon and even visited the office for a couple of hours, which was a welcome break. In all cases it took longer to recover than I expected. But at my weekly visits my doc confirms that I am improving in a timely manner. So I'll just sit tight and let my body do what it does.

From this point on, dear reader, assume that no news is good news (what a relief to say that!). I will, of course, post any milestones that are reached, ie: tasting for real, cessation of pain killers, PET scan results, etc. Thanks for keeping up with me through all of this!!


  1. Thanks for keeping us informed Dave. I hope it's no news for a while till it's great news.

  2. We're thinking of you here. BTW: I LOVE your Tletubby pic! LOL! It should be made into a poster!. : )

  3. No news is good new is GREAT news!
