Thursday, April 23, 2009

19. slight reprieve

This is a shorty update.

I don't know why but for some reason the last few days haven't been as bad as those preceding. Maybe it's the acupuncture, herbs, good vibes or who knows what, but I am grateful. My throat is hurting pretty badly, I'm salivating (and drooling) like a dog, and my neck is getting redder and rawer, but it's all fairly manageable. I'm even cutting back on the hard drugs a little because I don't like the dizziness that accompanies them, or the withdrawal nausea that comes on as they wear off.

There are now 7 days to go: tomorrow, all next week, and the following Monday. The Monday is to compensate for the day I missed to visit the emergency room last week. (No snow days in radiation therapy.) I can't really believe it and I don't want to get too excited since anything can happen between now and then. And the radiation will still be glowing for a week after the dosing is done. And I know it's going to take a while to start swallowing in earnest and then eating again. But I can't help but see that light at the end of the tunnel!


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